November 11, 2009


"Have a favor to ask you. Please don't walk behind me, don't walk in front of me, just walk with me and be my friend."  

November 11 is the day we formed our group, the G4. Today is our one year anniversary, so would like to share with you more about us.

The G of G4 stands primarily for the Great. Moreover, G may be Glamorous, Gorgeous, Gentlemen, and sometimes Girl-hunter. Oh, just a moment !!.... Some friends used to tease us saying the G4 are GAY 4. What do you think??

Alright, I would say we`re not. Why would it be possible?? Yet if it would be, bisexual would be.... nice. Well, just kidding.... Let`s come back to the topic.

Here come the rising stars:

Adams: Kimsa SON (Capricorn)
  • Ruled by Saturn, the god of karma and restraints.
Levid: Vitou VUON (Taurus)
  • Ruled by Venus, the goddess of beauty and desire.
Nino: Nitro PHY (Cancer)
  • Ruled by Moon, the god of basic needs: being nurtured and nurturing others.
Wert: Piseth SIM (Taurus)
  • Ruled by Venus, the goddess of beauty and desire.

The main purposes of the group are to grow up physically, emotionally and academically together.

However, we cannot achieve these goals without your love and support. Without you nothing is within reach and we would be nobody. Therefore, please be with us and be our brothers, sisters and friends.

Wish us everlasting friendship !!

G9 from G4 Adams

P.S. Many thanks to borng Y. for the pics.


Unknown said...

I love the song. Anyway, can't you find new pics to post? Oh, right!!! You're just out, so there shouldn't be any new pics since then.

Adams said...

Ya right! We have new pics of each members, however we don`t have ones of G4 with friends. And I prefer the ones that all of us are together. When we are together, we can bring the best in each of us.