December 31, 2009


G4 Members:
  • Adams: Kimsa SON (Capricorn)
  • Levid: Vitou VUON (Taurus)
  • Nino: Nitro PHY (Cancer)
  • Wert: Piseth SIM (Taurus)
With Rino: Rido THATH as Manager.

Birthday: November 11, 2008

The G of G4 stands primarily for the Great. G refers to Glamorous, Gorgeous, Gentlemen as well.

Purposes: to grow up physically, emotionally and academically together.

Today, December 31, we really are excited, more than words can say, to officially welcome a new member and manager to the group.

Welcome Ken: Seiha UNG (Leo) as Vocalist and Kanaharith NOP called Richy as Manager.

From now on, we will be G4PlusKen which the original purposes are maintained and will be improved.

Welcome Ken and Richy!!



1 comment:

Uch Sarath said...

he..he....hey! Brother, that must be a very great team..I like your group